Use the calculators below to find the number of hours and minutes between two times. For a full time card, please use the Time Hours Calculator.
How the Hours Calculator Works
- Start Time: Enter the start time of your shift or activity.
- End Time: Enter the end time of your shift or activity.
- Break Time: Optionally, enter the break time in minutes (e.g., lunch or rest). This time will be subtracted from the total time worked.
- Calculate: Once the user clicks “Calculate Hours Worked,” the calculator will determine the total hours worked, subtracting the break time if entered.
- Calculates hours worked between two times, factoring in break time.
- Simple and easy to use.
- Displays the total hours worked rounded to two decimal places.
- Start Time: 09:00 AM
- End Time: 05:00 PM
- Break Time: 30 minutes
- Total Hours Worked: 7.50 hours